3 SESSIONS $451/425*
5 SESSIONS $693/640*
10 SESSIONS $1253/1145*
1/2 Monthly ** $999/930*
*Cash discounted rates
** ALL 8 sessions must be used in 30 days from purchase date NO EXCEPTIONS
i.e.: 5 sessions ($653) + 90 Second song ($) = $703 for coaching and lessons.
All Sessions are 60 Minutes.

Everyone has a different idea of what the perfect first dance is. Some want to surprise their guest, some want to show off all their skills, some want the whole wedding party involved and some have no idea. Danella will talk you through the whole process so she can build your 'perfect' dance.
Danella loves nothing more than to see two people in love dancing together; that is her goal with your lessons. Whether you are trying to fix your two left feet or learn choreography, her goal is to get you dancing together. She will give you all the tools you need so your special day is not ruined by a 'special' dance.
Suggestions from Danella:
• Try to come in at least three months in advance if you want choreography
• Send a copy of your song
• Send your vision/example videos of dances you like
• Know your limits. If you have never danced before do not come in a week before your wedding to learn three minutes of choreography
• Ladies send your dress style/limitations
• Shoes hurt, bring them to practice in as soon you receive them
• The more time you give yourself the more natural it will be- dance is muscle memory
• Do not fight with one another while practicing on your own
• Take at least one lesson a week until your wedding date