Starting in Jan 2020, & every First Friday of the month, Bring a friend and they can take class for $5 and just for bring them you will receive a $5 credit towards your class the following purchase! :) See details below.

Every Friday Danella Dutton Teaches 3 Levels of Dance.
7:30PM - Beginners Salsa
8:30PM - Int Salsa
9:30PM - Bachata
Classes are only $16, however on the FIRST FRIDAY of every MONTH, Danella is offering a $5 class to FRIENDS of current Students! See Below for details.
- Current Students Bring a New Friend to Class and the friend receives a $5 first class
- The Studnet who brought the friend will receive a $5 discount by email for their next week (3 month exp.)
- No to be combined with any other deal or offer
- Must purchase in Person.
Happening all of 2020.